RC SGP Donation of Sewing Machines

Project Date: July 16, 2017
Beneficiaries: Small town in Tiaong, Quezon
Partners: Sampaguita Grace Park, Kalookan
Voluntary Hours: 6
Volunteers: 3
Amount: 600 USD

The project provides a means for livelihood for women in the community. We had identified a small town in Tiaong, Quezon, were women can uplift their income with a SEWING livelihood program. We donated 2 sewing machines. A Lady, Angelica Villabroza was able to gather these women and assisted by a person skilled in the use of these machines. They are being taught and will be starting up producing rags to sell. Just the same, Meantime that the mothers are engaged in the livelihood, the kids are being taught value formations by members of a Baptist Church. We also provided snacks during this activity.

RC SGP Donation of Sewing Machines

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